04 February 2005

new job

so here's how my night went:
had some small tables, people were very nice.
a four year old boy gave me a bracelet he made for me while waiting for his dinner.
total and complete lack of knowledge of wine-bottle-opening....
....couldn't get a bottle of wine open in front of a customer, and almost broke the cork. (i'm cool i know)
nice man who didn't laugh when i couldn't open the wine bottle....sat and read a NOVEL so i sat on my butt for an hour waiting for him to leave.

went home (house sitting for in-laws), ate a mustard sauce (w/pasta and chicken) and had a glass of wine. (which i opened the bottle without a hitch....in front of absolutely no one of course...except my in-laws fat cats. ) my good friend terri came over and hung out with me until sean got home.

pretty good day over all...if we forget about the wine incident. which i trust we all will. i mean....i know i have. i mean lets move on to bigger and better things. things with importance to our everyday lives....like when is polly shore going to make another movie? hummm... yeah.


Jules Oldroyd said...

hey, polly shore is cool. and woah, lets not judge the wine-bottle-opening abilities of others. (miss you too jeremy. email me sometime eh kid?)

TonyB said...

There is a connection between the love of Polly Shore and the inability to open a wine bottle...

Cosby said...

chillin with the weaz.....