12 June 2007


i am part native american. actual part, as in my dad's grandfather was the real deal. my dad & his brothers and sisters used to beg him to do rain dances in their backyard when he would come to visit. my pops is also irish. my mother is english & welsh [& lots of other bits of european i'm sure]. so at times i can't help but think, "am i the oppressor? or the oppressed?" at some point my friend posted about the fact that every white person is an oppressor & a colonizer [that's is badly summarized, read her statement here.]
and ever since i read that post of hers i have thought to myself, "would i say that i am those things?"
i am those things, and i am not those things.


Anonymous said...

Mother's side: French, English, Scottish, Welsh (that I can remember)

Father's side: American Indian, Irish, Scottish (that I can remember)

Marti said...

Hm-m-m. This is technologically-challenged "anonomous" Mom who couldn't remember her username so had to check "anonymous" although I don't remember checking that. I thought I checked "other".

In addition, I had previously written this "correction" post and thought I submitted it, but now when I go back...it isn't there. I am sure whatever I wrote then was more clever than whatever I am writing now.

Just to say--that for years your dad was told he was Choctaw Indian only to find out recently that he is not--and I can't remember what tribe! But you are definately American Indian.

And regarding oppressor and oppressed: I believe history backs up that all of those tribes in your background (European & Indian) have been both oppressors and oppressed. Sad. I think your dad would say that he experiences me as the oppressor at times and visa versa. What is it with people and this fallen nature of ours? It always makes me so mad when other people don't let me live my way all the time. Their way gets in my way ;-)
But then I found Jesus--and he showed me another way. Lord save us from our ways! Love you Jooj.